Monday, June 15, 2009
movin on
Come follow my struggles with my desire to find my athletic self at a wordpress location near you.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Yup it's broken.
Now what?
Lots of situps with feet in air? whoot. exciting.
Possibly the stupidest injury ever. You can't do ANYTHING. And there is nothing can be done for you.
I'm on crutches to help carry the weight...but the pain oh the pain. Situps will be easy after dealing with this little injury.
Might go to one crutch...maybe.
The lesson learned from all this? One bottle of champagne okay...Two....not good. Because I don't know what I did to my foot and I also can't remember most of the fun stuff and conversations of the night.
But now I'm 30.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
where's the gym again?
Now the sun is out in Vancouver it's a abalmy 17 degrees Celcius and the idea of working out seems to be a lost cause.
I will have to find my rhythm again. But not this weekend. I am hosting a shin dig that will for sure grant me a lovely hangover on Sunday. Wouldn't expect less from your 30th birthday would you?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
lost 5 lbs on vacay!
Here's hoping I don't take too long to get back into a running routine.
Softball last night was interesting for a girl who is on London time and catches the ball with her left bicep, then forarms, then chin, then boobs all without using her glove. TALENT.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
*snap *crackle *pop
No gym this week. No desire to even do an ab workout.
Status: Not Good.
Also, no beach vball team right now. Really hoping one comes along. I need, want, desire to play.
Knee must get better. Vball team must come along.
If I will it, all this will happen right? RIGHT?
Monday, April 20, 2009
This is the second time that I've gotten bumped from this Volleyball team by the same Capt'n.
The first time was when she asked me to sub and then she called me the day of and said they didn't need me after all as one of the guys was bringing the girl he was dating that week. And after that...I played the rest of the season.
Along the way she asked me to play on a beach team. I had already joined a team of people I had never met, but said yes to Capt'n as she is a friend and I would have much more fun with her and the other two guys. So fast forward about four weeks then approach to this morning. 8:14am in fact.
A message was sent to my FB account from Capt'n. She was apologetic that she didn't call me on Saturday like she had said she would and then informed me that
"Mike found a girl that he is kind of interested in and wants her to play all 7 weeks. she was going to play for the first two, but will miss out on another league if she starts with us, so i figured it was only fair. I don't know if you still have the other team to play on, but maybe instead of leaving them, just chill with them and then in the summer we can hook up and play then. i feel terrible, but it is their team too and he is really excited about playing with her. Don't hate me! :) "
My reply:
"Actually I don't have another team to play with. I got a replacement just to play with you guys and was really looking forward to it.I understand that Mike wants to play with this new girl and thats great.
But I kind of feel completely shafted and you knew I couldn't play the first two weeks from the get go.
Now I am out of a team. I am kind of hurt and it's kind of not cool.
Definitely call me whenever you can, I can talk during my work day today or this week.When I come back we can definitely meet up for a drink."
So now I am waiting for a call. I did text the Capt'n and asked her to call me whenever she has five minutes. So We will see. If she doesn't call before she leaves town on Thursdsay than this friend isn't heading the to the Circle of Trust which I was hoping the direction of our friendship would be. It's the way it is. I just hope she doesn't expect me to sub or join the team when something between Mike and said girl falls apart and makes the whole thing uncomfortable.
I still can't help but feel disappointed. It's very difficult to find a team to play on with people you like especially when all the leagues start this week and I'm going on vacation for the next two weeks. So I'm going to try, because this is the one activity I absolutely love.
So Capt'n and I chatted. The guy actually found a girl who he wanted to play beach 2's with. Fine. Then I find out that they have been talking about this for two weeks. It took some coaxing to even kind of get an apology for the inconvience, which is what I'm a bit ticked about. If they new two weeks ago. Tell me two weeks ago. Then I could have had time to find a team! Now. I have a team that I can go sub on. But it would be nice to have a regular playing option.
Still not impressed. Needless to say, Capt'n won't be entering my "circle of trust" anytime soon.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Sun Running
Monday, April 6, 2009
Club 15
It's all very basic. You log in and tell her how many workouts you've done in one month, the goal being 15, but when her Dad [also a member] busts out a feel like you could do more. Hence the motivation and competition.
The best part is, that is for everyone across the globe to join. It's all about accountability and honesty to yourself and to others.
Now you might ask, what counts as a workout. It's a very subjective topic, however, for myself I classify it as a minimum of 30 - 60mins of working out where I break a sweat and feel accomplished. Usually involoving a 30min run and 30 min of weights. Some days its 40mins of running and 40 mins of weights...i would count that as two! Mainly because if I had the desire to get up in the morning I would do half then and half in the evening.
I do not count golf or softball as a workout, because they seem to be more of an activity and less of a push and grunt to the ultimate goal of a better me in a bathing suit.
So...there you have it folks.
Join Club15.
Did I mention it was free????
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
buckles are down and locked - 30 here I come!
now i'm taking my diet seriously. seriously! i am not consuming alcohol regardless of whose birthday it is or what celebratory event occurs where alcohol will make it sooooo much better. i am also eating more vegtables and fruit and trying to get more protein. who knew that you could trick yourself to believing that unsalted almonds are actually good? fiber comes in the form of instant oatmeal.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I have a cold.
I haven't worked out.
I haven't been eating right.
I'm sure I have gained weight.
I'm sure that I have a gut again and I desperately need to focus for the next little bit.
I go on vacation April 24th to Egypt. This requires a bathing suit.
I go to Reno next week for work.
I need to find a resolve within myself to really meet this goal.
Multitasking my life goals with a social life with work has never been my strong suit.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Back At It!
This is my game. Volleyball.
I have been a fan of it since I was 12. I enjoy the strategy, the angles, the power and the true team effort. All without physical contact with the opponent. I'm not the best at it, nor am I the worst. I just ejoy it. It's a full body workout and the only one you can blame for injuries is yourself and bad luck.
Monday, February 23, 2009
mentality rate
woke up this morning and hit the treadmill at 6am and decided to challenge myself and hit the 5Km loop on the treadmill. it took 43mins to complete, but that also inc. the 5min warm up and cool down plus some minutes for some breaks. my quads tightened up by about the 25min mark and i just tried to push through and continued breathing. at about the 35min mark i increased the speed from a steady 5.0 to 6.0 for about 5mins.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
it's all mental
- I like to leave my evenings flexible for social activites.
- The gym, seawall, kits park are crazy busy after work.
- I tend not to do anything else after going to the gym in the evenings.
- Sometimes watching some trashy TV lying on the couch in the evenings trumps running and lifting weights.
It was pretty darn awesome feeling.
Then Saturday was a day of acknowledgement. I got to speak to my best friend, who lives 4 hours away, for about an hour and completely divulge some of the more emotional issues that have been happening to the family. All of which I had been keeping at arms length. Well...they hit me like a brick and I felt really sad and alone all of a sudden. OH did I mention it was Valentines Day and I was single??? This is not a good mindset to be in to A) stick to your healthy living and B) want to exercise.
Common sense was telling me to buck up and go do something active. But in all honesty, I didn't want too. My resolve to do nothing outweighed my mental image of me ending up like either of my parents - overweight and cranky. Also, my couch was comfy. So was the quart of Hagen Daas Dulce de Leche ice cream. Yup.
This fog did not lift out of my head until Tuesday night. I tried to go for a run Wednesday morning, but it wasn't going to happen. However, I did manage to get in a run after work. Run/Walk 3:1 - running 9 times! I barely made it. My shoulder was killing me. The last two 3 min passes had me running 1min walking 1 min. It was cold and difficult to breath. But I did it. I had to do it. I had more desire to do it.
This morning I hauled my a$$ out of bed at 5:40am and went to the gym. It was just too cold and dark to think I could run outside this morning. But I did 2:2 on the tread mill for 30min. Jacked up the running spead from 5.0 to 6.2 for the last min and a half of the last 4 mins I ran straight. Awesome. Sure my shoulder was killing by the last 5min, but as soon as I jacked the speed and I had to pay attention to something else my shoulder was an after thought until the last 10 seconds. They were the longest 10 seconds.
Also: 30 burpees, 30 tricep squats, 30 leg squats
I thought my legs were going to go on strike and walk away on their own, with my shoulder following closely behind. Think it's time for physio on the shoulder.
With more family challenges ahead for the next month or so, the mental war continues. I did win this battle, although next time, I hope it doesn't last four days long.
**Oh.....this post on Women's Health Magazine also made me feel better something about busting myths!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
30 min Run
Also, my shoulder was acting up. I'm not entirely sure how this is happening.
After 6 months of chiro and one shoulder check in floor hockey and no volleyball, my right shoulder is killing me. Not sure if it's the flying to and from Reno last week [for work...noone voluntarily goes to Reno] or sleeping funny. All I know is that my right shoulder is KILLING me.
So now I sit here moving a mouse with my right hand trying to keep my right shoulder relaxed and pushed back and down. When the reality is I'd rather pull it out of the socket and bang it on the table. That's would be bad right?
Hopefully it will stop snowing. Running this evening. Outside.
Monday, February 9, 2009
terrible am i
but i only worked out once. ONCE all week.
this past weekend apparently chocolate, popcorn, diet coke [my complete nemisis] and dulce de leche ice cream were on the agenda of food consumption. Not to mention brunch at some louisiana food place on Granville Street after playing "golf" rather pitch 'n putt. You know, to practice the short game. This weekend was a complete and utter right off. I don't even think I've made any headway on my goals and what I have made, I completely blew off the last couple of weeks.
I think I need to reorganize my timetable.
I need time to do social things, but what I'm doing socially isn't helping my overall healthy goal. Floor Hockey is the one thing that I'm continuing to be not too fond of. There are a couple more weeks left on the schedule. Five to be exact. I think I can hold out until then - I've missed three weeks so far. I'm sure work will rear it's ugly head and deter me from attending again. I like watching but not really enjoying the playing part. But I've paid and I won't give up. Maybe just not sign up for next year.
Softball is starting soon. That will take over Monday night activities. But that is really fun and much more enjoyable.
As for the rest of my schedule. I desperately need a plan and I need to figure out how to stick to it more regularly.
Dare I try and run in the mornings again?
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Trader Joe's
I'm not to comfortable running outside here in Reno. It's not a sidewalk friendly city, especially where I am staying, right by the airport. In fact...there doesn't seem to be a lot of sidewalks and I'm not in a residential it's all busy, busy, busy, busy streets. I know it seems like an excuse, but at least I still hit the dreadmill. I think I'm just spoiled by getting to run in Vancouver, where runners are everywhere.
So while I'm here in Reno, I'm trying not to eat out so much, therefore I stocked the fridge with pre-packaged salads and other protein meals. All thanks to Trader Joe’s. Ergo, I’m not spending 30 bucks each day. I spent $35 for all the groceries.
This begs the question. Why is food so gosh darn expensive in Canada?
Oh dear god. There’s chicken in my fridge at home in Vancouver. It’s going to be a bad science experiment by the time I get back.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Crappy Living
2 hours in Reno - Grilled Chicken Ranch BLT sandwich....from...McDonalds. FACK.
I'll have a healthy breaky tomorrow...right? RIGHT???
Hopefully I won't be working 12 hours tomorrow. But I do hope to hit the "gym" here at the hotel. Which I checked out and it smells like a sauna and is just as hot. Which is a god send because Reno, NV is pretty darn cold. Because there is no cloud cover. At least there will be sun!
Vitamin D whoot!
now if I can just get some Vit. B, C, etc. etc.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
It's Tuesday
3min run/2min walk for 45 min. All on a treadmill. I know I know. I have to brave the outdoors or else this is fruitless, pointless.
Unfortunately, it's really, really, really, really cold outside. Therefore no running outside. I was suppose to go running outside today after work...but it's 5:30pm and I'm still at work. I'm going to be here for a while.
I was really dreading this beginning of week 3, but now I think it's doable, with a bit of gym workouts in between. Got to work out 5-6 times a week if I really want to shed serious weight and continue to change my life. I'm doing pretty good so far.
however, the CrossFit idea is still hanging out in my head.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I haven't done much this week.
Lets see...
The weekend I sat around either in a car or on a couch. It was comfy.
Monday night:
2min/2min walk/run on the treadmill
you know the drill
Tuesday night:
1min/2min walk/run outside with Crystal
some stretching
then home where I did some abs
OH and groceries i needed groceries
Wednesday night:
out with friends - important birthday dinner
Thursday night:
I'm still here.
At work.
My intentions of going home and having a run outside after work are not going to happen now. It's freeeeeezing outside.
Vancouver has been in a cloud of fog for two weeks now. It's suppose to be lifting just in time for more snow. yeah. fun.
I'm not going to Floor Hockey tonight.
I'm indifferent about floor hockey.
I like my team.
Not really a fan of the dirty players on the other teams and I hate getting hurt hurt. Sure a little banged up never hurt anyone...but seriously...some of these guys are just plain dirty. And when I get bumped to hard I'm not shy about it, but I'm not exactly good about it either. Maybe my temper flares up just a tad...okay..more than a tad. And I feel bad about it, embarassed even...because it's not cool and i know that and all you want to do is have fun. But I don't need an email lecture reminding me about that either. ya know? who wants that? do you? A lecture just makes it worse...but a question or a brief all that is needed. Especially when it's friends. Or that's my opinion anyways.
I feel though I need to give it a bit more time though to get back into the groove of it. But tonight I worked a little too late and considering the email in question came yesterday...why the hell would I want to go? Maybe next week I'll go.
Hopefully tomorrow night i'll make it to the gym...or maybe even volleyball???
hmmmm lets not get too far ahead of myself.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
It's dark at 4:30pm...what up with that?
It's nice to have a partner to run outside with at least once a week. Crystal and I are both walking and running and we are on the same schedule and same tempo. So it's good. Hopefully we will stay comitted to meeting up. It's hard. My schedule is sometimes unpredictable.
It's hard to run outside during the week with the sun setting at 4:30pm. It's all dark and dreary so it's definitely not ideal for running solo. But if we have to do that we will.
Running outside is so much more pleasureable than running on a treadmill going nowhere. In fact you could just jump in one spot on a treadmill and probably not go flying off the machine.
Can't say the same for my Ipod.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
H*ly Crap That Hurts!
Weights - 20 min. Arms/Squat with DB & some weight machines. good.
Abs - Crunches = good.
Trying to work the lower abs felt like I was tearing out my abdomen by my hands. I don't think I can adequately describe how it felt.
No leg raises for me! obviously did too many last Thursday and I still haven't recovered.
Friday, January 9, 2009
40 min of 2min walk/3min run
90 crunches
60 russian twists
30 straight leg lifts
30 DB flys
30 DB press
stretching. lots and lots of stretching.
1 hour of floor hockey...well not really one hour but intermittent bursts of energy for 2 or 3 min shifts over an hour - lots of fun. Good crew and good fun. The best part was that after every shift I wasn't out of breath! The worst part was that my pants continue to want to fall down when playing floor hockey but not when running.
what up with that?
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
working hard
40 min on the treadmill - alternating 2min walking/3min running
and in no particular order:
30 jump lunges
30 DB anchors
30 DB bicep curls
30 russian twists
30 crunches
30 pushups
i still think i can get up at 5:30 and get some yoga in or something...but really who am i kidding?? the alarm goes off at 5:30 and somehow goes off again at 6:30 when i finally decide i need to get up for work.
i've also looked into doing CrossFit, but i think i need to get into the groove [and make sure shoulder, groin, knee and ankle injuries stay away] before i commit myself to exercise workouts that make you want to puke. in fact. they encourage that. ummmm....hmmmmm......
until then i'm taking some of the moves and applying them at home. thank goodness for youtube to give you new workout routines. now...all i need is a chin up bar at home...
off to the gym today after work too.
Monday, January 5, 2009
and i have few decisions made.
2008 was the year of me.
well 2009 is to be the year of my health.
time to continue headstrong into the lifestyle changes and commit to them full force.
for the next 28 days. no alcohol. unless take last minute vacation with jodie to an all inclusive drink fest in mexico [hopefully that will be put off until February] and even then it's a limit to my alcohol intake. hopefully this will save me a couple hundred a month.
start doing more activities.
the goal is to do a minimum of 1 hour of hard core activity a day. If not an activity, hit the gym. I have to get serious. especially if there is a threat of a bathing suit in February :) Plus, i hate the way i look in pictures, hence why i don't post any.
currently my activity schedule is light, thursday is floor hockey and if my social life really craps out, friday night i can hit the kits community centre for some vball....other than that, the treadmill and i are friends.
it's either this or save for plastic surgery.
cheers to the new year and to a new body and a new life.