Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I'm sick.

I have a cold.

I haven't worked out.

I haven't been eating right.

I'm sure I have gained weight.

I'm sure that I have a gut again and I desperately need to focus for the next little bit.

I go on vacation April 24th to Egypt. This requires a bathing suit.

I go to Reno next week for work.

I need to find a resolve within myself to really meet this goal.

Multitasking my life goals with a social life with work has never been my strong suit.


1 comment:

Everything Lynne said...

I. Hear. Ya.

This week has taken it's toll on me too. I had friends visit unexpectedly, and I haven't been home or followed any sort of routine for the entire week...meaning eating out, drinking my body weight in alcohol on a daily and nightly basis, and no exercise. Followed up by a severe case of strep throat.

Not sure how to balance my social life with normalcy either...we just have to take it one week at a time and just keep on striving for our goals.

Good luck, I know you can do this...just don't give up!